Each Word is Worth a Mile

The Southern Flash 500 is a writing project for Southern themed flash fiction. Participation is open to any writer interested in Southern fiction.

Regional fiction about and from the South can be many things, so the track is wide open except for one thing- no cliches or dialog written in dialect will be chosen. Why? Every word in flash fiction has to count; more than a step, a foot, or a yard. Each word has to carry the story for a mile or it won't be able to finish the race.

If you would like to participate, e-mail flash fiction in the 500 word range to southernflash500@gmail.com at any time. Your submission should be previously unpublished to appear because this is a project.

If your selection is later solicited or selected for publication elsewhere, please e-mail me and the work will be removed or publication credit added.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Writer's Profile Project

I was profiled on June 25th, 2008 here: Profile

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